Coach Profile: Caroline Silveira

About Caroline

Hi, I’m Caroline de Faria Silveira. I live in Brazil and operate my coaching business under my own name, Caroline Silveira.
I am a qualified Level 3 Health and Wellness Coach, Physiotherapist and ThetaHealer. 
I help my clients learn how to be free of anxiety – it is easier and faster than you can imagine!
I help you find a new way of seeing yourself and others, and especially to perceive your body as your greatest ally. 

Getting Started in Business

I am a physiotherapist and since college we have heard this expression: the body speaks! 
But it is always linked to the idea that the body expresses what our mind thinks. Hence comes body language and all the study we can make of it. 
Even with all my experience, I began to ask myself: if the mind can transform the body, can the body transform the mind?
After going through a process of depression in the year 2014, I experienced the importance of body awareness as a fundamental part of a truly healthy lifestyle. 
Since then, I have dedicated myself to spreading the importance of integration between mind and body so that other people can have an abundant quality of life through the realization of their dreams and goals.
I started my business with a Website, a Facebook page and a YouTube Channel only. I decided to record videos twice a week and write a blog regularly as well. 
My videos on YouTube and some advertisements on Facebook brought my firsts clients.

My Niche

I work mainly with anxious people. Most of them are women, 30 to 35 years old, who suffer with insecurity, fear of future, and lack of self-esteem and self-love. 
I love to assist them to discover their strengths and abilities, to change behaviors that provoke stress and to develop new habits to improve their quality of life. 
It is incredible how they have all the answers within then. They only need help to discover it.  

Start-up Challenges 

My first challenge was to give up my former profession (I was Physical Therapist) and work exclusively as Health and Wellness Coach. 
The second one was to be consistent on YouTube and Facebook to attract clients and the third challenge was to focus only in my target market.
In the beginning, I felt alone and weak sometimes. But with discipline, courage, and good advice from experts it was easier to overcome the challenges. 
I am currently getting support in a Master Mind Group and this has been a turning point for me. 
Sharing my ideas and receiving advice from more experienced entrepreneurs has allowed me to make better decisions and avoid many mistakes in my business. 

How my Business Has Grown

I have been in this business for one year and it was very different than I expected. 
I dreamed that clients would easily come to me just because I am a very good professional. Well, I discovered that my effort and persistence are the best ingredients to have clients. 
Having my business has taught me to be strategist and to be patient. Success is coming through consistent work.

Typical Client Outcomes

 Almost all of my clients look for peace and happiness. In their minds, they were not born with these gifts. 
The main outcome for most of them through working with me is to feel they can get control of their actions and be responsible to build the life they want to have. It’s very empowering!
I’m glad every day to be Health and Wellness Coach and to help people to live better lives.

My 3 Biggest Lessons

The 3 biggest lessons I have learned are:
Firstly, to look for partners. It is easier to go farther when we have people with us. 
Second, I do not know the answer until I ask the question. It is good to be brave. 
Third, being optimistic makes me more successful. 

Final Thoughts

As one of our International students, Caroline has built a powerful practice in her home country in an important and growing area of health and wellbeing – anxiety.

Caroline’s business has been built on her parallel study and personal journey. She is truly a role model to her clients and brings an integrative approach to her sessions.

Here are three things I notice about Caroline’s story:

1. Caroline is open, authentic and speaks from the heart 
Honesty and authenticity are two essential parts of building trust and rapport with clients. Caroline’s blog posts and videos clearly demonstrate these important character strengths. They are undoubtedly part of the reason for her success in online marketing.

2.        Caroline works with clients who have a similar story
She openly acknowledges her own struggles with anxiety and has built a business in this field to help people with similar challenges.
Caroline is a credible role model for people who are on this same journey.
3.         She has ongoing support with her business
A key to Caroline’s success has been seeking support from business mentors to avoid mistakes, to be consistent and to make good decisions in her business. 
To learn more about Caroline or connect with her on social media, visit:
You Tube: