This blog post explores the strategy behind getting new clients, and how you need to position yourself to get 30 new clients in 60 days.
Starting a business is exhilarating
It’s such a thrill to start a new business.
But after you’ve worked out the nuts and bolts of what you will do, there comes the daunting proposition of finding clients.
You have all this great stuff to share and lives to change – where are they?
This post explores the 3-step formula to getting new clients and if you get this right, you could gain as many as 30 new clients in 60 days.
Build it and They Will (Not Necessarily) Come
This might be true for baseball fields, but it’s generally not true for businesses – unless you get a massive public boost that puts you into the spotlight and starts a viral trend.
If you have built an amazing program and are wondering how to attract clients….then at least one of these three things is probably happening:
- You aren’t doing any or enough promotion
- You haven’t hit the hot button
- Your promotional methods are a turn-off
These 3 steps make up the magic formula that will help you get new clients regularly and endlessly.
Let’s look at them individually.
3 Steps to Get 30 Clients in 60 Days
Plan and Do Enough Promotion
Of all the tasks you need to do in business, marketing and advertising should take up 10 – 30% of your time.
In other words, if you are working for 20 hours a week on your business, then 2 – 8 of those hours need to be spent engaging with people in order to get new clients.
If you are new to business, then your time spent promoting needs to be at the higher end of that range.
Marketing and advertising needs a structured, scheduled approach to gain new leads and convert sales, especially in the first 6 months of your business.
Hint: Writing blogs and posting on social media isn’t promotion. It’s hiding behind your computer.
If you want to get 30 new clients in 60 days, you need a clear strategy and plan to get it right and enough time spent on promotion.
Hitting the Hot Button

People buy for pleasure or to solve a problem.
Think about what you Google if you were feeling frumpy and unfit. It would be something like:
“how to get fit”
“best fitness exercises”
“how to improve fitness”
I doubt you’d be searching for “Health and Wellness Coach.”
In other words, the best way to attract new clients is to identify and hit their “hot button”
- To articulate the immense challenge they’re facing and how that feels
- To articulate the most desirable outcome they want – more than anything.
This is probably the most important part of the ‘get new clients’ formula.
When it comes to sketching out a blog, ad, or workshop, you probably need to spend
- 80% of your time getting the headline/title/name right, and
- 20%of your time sketching out the content and flow.
You have roughly 6 seconds to attract attention and if your words aren’t engaging, nobody will read past the headline or title.
How to Attract Clients
You know all those things you hate – junk mail in your letterbox, promotional posts in your inbox, annoying popups on websites, those pushy BUY NOW ads or those salespeople that make you feel pressured into buying something?
They are all the things your potential clients hate too.
The easiest way to turn clients off is to try to sell a 12 week program on the first phone call.
It’s too much too soon.
The thing you need to do is lower the risk and commitment so the client feels like they can dip their toe in the water and try you out.
Give them a taste of how you work in a way that offers incredible value to them.
Let’s say you run a 12-week healthy eating program.
Cold leads (people that don’t know you) might be reluctant to commit so much time and money.
But if you ran a 2-hour healthy cooking demonstration for a fraction of the price, you’ll probably get a huge audience and give those people a chance to work with you.
Some of them will take up your bigger program.
Summing it Up
There is a 3-step formula that will get you 30 new clients in 60 days. And it is this:
1. Make a specific plan of action around a clearly-defined strategy. Spend enough time promoting it.
2. Clearly articulate what the client is going through (challenge) and how they will feel after working with you (deepest desires).
3. Offer a low-risk, attractive, bite-sized experience with you to invite interested people in the door.
If you follow these steps, you’ll be well on your way to attracting new clients and even getting 30 new clients in 60 days.
What are the most effective strategies you’ve used?
Let us know in the comments below.