Qualification Courses

Developed to fill the current gap in accredited, evidence-based training in Australia; our Qualification course options are nationally and internationally recognised, enabling graduates to become formally accredited with the peak national and international health coaching bodies. If you want to enter Health and Wellness Coaching as a career or broadening their opportunities in the health and wellness space, these qualifications are the perfect fit as they unlock your ability to gain professional insurance to work for yourself or a contractor to other clinics or organisations.

As a career, Health and Wellness Coaching is a game-changer. It offers more than just an exciting career opportunity for people who love helping others to improve their lives. It also offers you the opportunity to be a powerful role model for others and to help them to outgrow their unhealthy habits, organisational challenges or all-or-nothing thinking, so they can finally make sustainable lifestyle change.

January/February 2025 Intakes are open for enrolment

Enrol in our January or February intakes of any of our qualification courses and you can be formally certified as early as the June 2025 and start working with clients straight away! Enrol online to receive immediate access to the first self study unit to start on straight away.

Professional Certificate in Health and Wellness Coaching

This is Australia’s leading Health and Wellness Coach Training program where no prior Health qualifications are required.

Undertake our evidence based, ‘live’ and practical training health coaching units alongside a series of health and lifestyle self study units that will enable you start working with clients straight away in a number of different settings whether it be your own private business, health clinic, wellness and yoga studio or even within a corporate environment.

Health and Wellness Coaching for Health & Allied Health Professionals

This science backed; evidence based health coaching course is available to Health and Allied Health Professionals with an advanced diploma or higher and already have a robust knowledge of health and lifestyle practices such as managing stress, food and nutrition choices and foundations of good physical activity practices.

You will be trained in our core health coaching competency units and walk away with all the coaching models, tools and client session model structure to integrate with your existing health knowledge to provide a client-centred approach long lasting health behaviour change that will stick!

HCANZA approved gap training program for people who have completed the base IIN Health Coaching Certificate and are looking to be professionally recognised with the Health Coaches Australia and New Zealand Association (HCANZA). This coaching competency program bridges the gap between the nutrition and lifestyle knowledge attained within your IIN certification and the coaching acumen required.

HCANZA approved gap training program for people who are ICF accredited coaches or have previously completed a ACTP accredited ICF course and are looking to move into the Health and Wellness Coaching space and be professionally recognised with the Health Coaches Australia and New Zealand Association (HCANZA).

Learn more about WCA from Founder, Fiona Cosgrove

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Explore a Career in Health and Wellness Coaching

Sign Up for our pre-recorded info webinar on Exploring a Career in Health and Wellness Coaching