Health and Wellness Coaching Certification for Health & Allied Health Professionals

This certification is ideal if you are currently working in a health or allied health capacity where you hold a prior health qualification (advanced diploma or higher), you have an existing knowledge base in health and lifestyle studies and you wish to expand into the Health Coaching field.

Enrolments now open for the January/February 2025 Intake Group
Enrol anytime and receive access to the first unit

If you are a health or allied health professional* and looking to complete the required training to become an accredited and professionally recognised Health and Wellness Coach with HCANZA, this certification is the ideal course for you. 

Free Discovery Webinar
Exploring a Career in Health and Wellness Coaching
Wednesday 24th April, 7.00pm (AEST)

Thinking of enrolling in one of our Health and Wellness Coaching Courses but still have lots of questions about our practice and industry? Join us for our upcoming discovery webinar where WCA Coach Trainer and HCANZA Board Member, Melanie White will present a 45 minute session on ‘Exploring a Career as a Health and Wellness Coach”. In this session Melanie will give you a complete 360 degree view of:

  • the status of our industry,
  • our Scope of Practice (and what you will be insured to provide under this scope),
  • Australian and international accrediting bodies who will recognise your certification,
  • how and where our graduates are successfully using Health and Wellness Coaching, and
  • how you can start your training towards becoming an Accredited Health and Wellness Coach with us.

This session is 100% free to attend with zero sales tactics. So join us and learn more about our new and emerging health practice and see if it is right for you!

If you are a health or allied health professional and looking to complete the required training to be qualified and professionally recognised as a Health and Wellness Coach, then the Health and Wellness Coaching Certification for Health & Allied Health Professionals may be ideal for you. 

This 3 level training certification will enable you to expand your current health qualification by adding the Health and Wellness Coaching skillset to your current work or pivot your occupation into this new practice. 

This certification will allow you to develop and harness your coaching skills in the areas you desire to vastly improve client outcomes and the success of your business. 

Not a Health or Allied Health Professional?

Our Professional Certificate in Health and Wellness Coaching is the ideal course for those with no prior health qualifications and looking to study a course that enables you to gain full professional Recognition and accreditation with the Health Coaches Australia and New Zealand Association (HCANZA)

Become Professionally Recognised in 6 months

This evidence- based, practical coaching qualification is backed by latest research and international trends in the health coaching field is your pathway into becoming a credentialed Health and Wellness Coach here in Australia and New Zealand and overseas.

  • completion of this Certification coupled with an advanced Diploma/Bachelor degree or higher in a health related area, will enable you to gain your Professional Recognition and membership with the Health Coaches Association – Australia and New Zealand (HCANZA)
  • completion of this certification program can provide a pathway into the Professional Certificate in Health and Wellness Coaching which is an approved training program with the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaches (NBHWC). 

6 months part-time online study/ Blend of self study and 'live' facilitator led webinars and coaching practical sessions.

The latest evidence-based learning in health behaviour change

Nationally approved, providing you with accreditation in AUS/NZ with HCANZA

Want to get offline and study in-person?
Intensive Residential Training Program - March 16-20

Join us in March 2025 for our next Intensive Residential training program, to be held on the Gold Coast.  Over 4.5 days we will be taking you through the coaching competency training units that within all our qualification courses, where you’ll immerse yourself in a hands-on, practical training program while fast tracking this section of your studies by 3 to 4  months. 

Train alongside like-minded  people and share in your experience with this small group training event. Our senior trainers will take you through a program of highly participatory lectures, rich with hands-on practical learning, coaching demonstrations, case studies, role play and real-time mentoring and feedback.

Learn more about this evidence-based coach training course from WCA Managing Director, Fiona Cosgrove

Play Video

Who is this Course Ideal For?

This certification is ideal if you are currently working in a health or allied health capacity where you have a prior health qualification (advanced diploma or higher) and you wish to expand into the Health and Wellness Coaching field. Some of the qualified professions eligible for this certification: 

  • Nurses, 
  • Doctors,
  • Exercise Physiologists
  • Nutritionists and Dieticians,
  • Naturopaths or holistic health practitioners
  • Physiotherapist
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Osteopaths and Chiropractors, and
  • Fitness professionals (hold advanced diploma or higher).

This certification covers our core coaching competency training that is the foundation for all of our qualification courses. You will undertake these 3 levels of training in a progressive format starting with Level 1 and building upon your theoretical learning and practical skillset as you work through the levels.

Request a Course Guide

Professional Recognition and Insurance

Health Coaches Australia and New Zealand Association

Completion of the Health and Wellness Coaching Certification for Health & Allied Health Professionals, coupled with an Advanced Diploma/Bachelor degree or higher in a health related area, will enable you to gain your Professional Recognition with the Health Coaches Association – Australia and New Zealand (HCANZA) and apply for full membership status through their equivalency application pathway.

Health Coaches Association – Australia New Zealand is the leading industry association for our practice that supports Health & Wellness Coaches, Primary Care Physicians and Allied Health professionals to connect, communicate and aspire to deliver on our collective vision of Co-Creating Universal Health and Wellness. They are a respected industry voice for an appropriate standard in Health & Wellness Coaching nationally and internationally.

Your membership will provide Professional Recognition of your certification and also a marketing platform for you as a coach in their website. To find out more about the industry association and the benefits of being a member, visit their website

Unit Credit Transfer to the Professional Certificate – an approved program with the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (USA)

Completion of this certification program will have you completing 3 of the core coaching units within the NBHWC approved Professional Certificate in Health and Wellness Coaching.

Choose to enrol in this larger qualification with WCA and this will provide students the eligibility to apply and sit the National Board Certification exam and become a “Board Certified” Health and Wellness Coach – the highest qualification internationally for the Health and Wellness Coaching field.

This international certification level is NOT administered by Wellness Coaching Australia, rather the completion of this course (which is NBHWC approved) allows you to meet the required training criteria to apply for the exam.

To find out more about this international certification pathway, and gauge whether therefore enrolling in our Professional Certificate in Health and Wellness Coaching course is right for you, visit the NBHWC website

How the course is delivered

Delivered over a 6 month study program, the 3 unit levels of training are presented through a blended learning format including live webinars, practical sessions, coach a client sessions, live workshops (optional), and backed up by a learner portal with self learning activities and comprehensive assessment tasks. It can be adapted for anyone looking for a 100% distance learning option.
Interest free, 6 month payment plans are available – contact us for more information.

Refer to the course guide for more details on the delivery formats for each unit.

Upcoming Intakes - Study Timetables

Download the study timetables for the upcoming intake groups. This includes the core units to become certified + 3 months if you add on the elective business unit. Average 8 hours of study a week.

Course Enrolment

We offer multiple intakes throughout the year where you can choose to enrol before the intake close date to receive access to the first self guided unit straight away to get started. Select your preferred payment option (payment plan or pay upfront) during the online enrolment process.

Please ensure you have read the enrolment terms and conditions prior to enrolling.

Course Fee and Payment options are available:

Course total fee is $2930 where you can choose to add on the (optional) business elective unit for an additional $860.

(1) Interest free monthly payment plan where the initial payment is $550 and monthly payments thereafter of $430 (transaction fees apply)  OR

(2) Pay in full upfront

Name Intake Status Course End Date (at the latest)
Jan/Feb 2025 Intake (AHP) Enrolment Open 31/12/2025
April/May 2025 Intake (AHP) Enrolment Open 31/03/2026

Industry Accredited - Continuing Education Points/Credits

Individual learning elements within our course are accredited as continuing education for professional development with some of the leading health, fitness and wellness bodies in Australia and overseas. Refer to the course guide for more details


“As an allied health professional who works in the chronic disease management and prevention space, an understanding of human behaviour and coaching principles is imperative when working with clients. I completed my Level 1 & 2 wellness coaching course to enhance my skills and breadth of knowledge when working with such clients. Level 3 built upon this learning and provided an opportunity for practical applications through regular coaching circles. This course has opened my lens both personally and professionally, and has shifted my approach to practice. I am currently implementing coaching techniques within my work as an allied health professional and also plan to expand this further within my own business of wellness coaching. The course was fantastic and extremely valuable. Highly recommend”
Stephanie Aalders