Do you ever get up in the morning and wonder what to put on? Usually our dress is determined by what’s happened outside – is it hot, cold, wet dry? Easy decision. But when we walk out of the door, or even when we stay inside, we have many occasions to decide what hat to put on! Of course I mean that metaphorically but most of us have areas of responsibility that vary greatly and we need to choose our hat carefully and appropriately or our efforts just might not produce anything useful!
Of course I am referring to communicating with people in our lives. As parents, we fall into a pattern of behavior and style of communication that is almost bred into us. Not to say that it always is effective but we do realise that we are there as guides as well as carers, sometimes as friends and often as supporters for our children. But what about the people at work, our clients or co-workers, our team? When do we know what hat to wear to best suit their needs?
Some of the common head gear in our working lives when we have influence over others includes that of teacher or trainer (let’s call it educator), the expert, the mentor and the coach. At times all of these roles are going to be relevant. But where do we get the most value? I read recently a great description of what we call the “coach” role as being a “Potentialiser”! By asking the right questions, we can unlock people’s ability to be grow, to learn, to create – or just to be amazing! Many of the other roles involve us taking on the responsibility and the other party being somewhat disempowered. So they may be necessary but are they desirable? I think we can be “potentialisers” in anyone’s live – even our childrens. Why don’t we look for more opportunities to ask those crucial questions that help people think, gain insights, gain control, grow and become energised?
Acknowledgement – Tighe & Gray, 2013.