The Path from “Aha!” to Integration

In my coaching, I often find that people (including myself) place a great importance on the “Aha” moments, where we gain awareness and insight around behaviours or patterns in our lives.  These moments of clarity are wonderful and they are essential.Without a clear map of the terrain, it is easy to wander off course. However, having a map is not the same as walking the terrain, and walking the path is the only way to reach our destination.  

Our “destination” in this case, would be a new behaviour, which becomes a new habit and ultimately, a new way of being. This is sustained transformation, not simply modifying outcomes, but integrating desired behaviours or thoughts until the point that they become the default operating system.  And walking the path from “Aha” to Integration is made up of daily practices, tools, in short applied insight.  As obvious as that may sound, many of us, (I’m first to admit it!) often confuse the “Aha” with the transformation.  It is walking the path, one foot in front of the other, one step at a time that gets us where we want to be, so we might as well enjoy the journey.