Tips to Dive Deep Into Creative Visioning

When you start a business, it’s important to understand what you’re aiming at…. And how that fits into the context of your own lifestyle. The same applies to your clients!

Sometimes it can be hard to build a vision….and there are some creative questions you can ask to get there.

Getting Clear on What You Want

Having a clear picture of where you’re heading (vision) allows you to work out the mid-term and immediate steps (goals) you need to do to get there. Those important planning steps are the things that guide you to action and actually make it HAPPEN!

Think of it like this – you’ve decided to go on a holiday and the thought excites you.

The first thing you do is visualise your destination and what it looks like.

Maybe you’re imagining yourself on a beach, on a tropical island, sipping cocktails. You’re looking amazing and tanned, and your partner is with you. You can feel a warm breeze and hear soft background music, both of which are lulling you into a relaxed, peaceful state. Just thinking about this, and feeling it, gives you a burst of happiness and sense of calm.

When you create a vision like this and get emotionally attached to it, it seems almost real. You feel the feelings of the environment and get a sense of how wonderful this holiday could be.

Then your logical brain kicks in to make it happen. You start thinking….

“I’ll need at least three weeks there to really soak up the sun, fully relax and unwind, and spend enough time looking around.”

“I’d better check with work to see when I can take time off.”

“Once I know that, I can check out some destinations that are going to be great at that time of year.”

“I’ll need to organise someone to look after the dog while we’re away.”

“OH! And hubby will need to get time off work, too. I’d better speak to him tonight.”

“We’d better start putting some money aside each week into a separate savings account so we can really have a good time and enjoy ourselves while we’re away.”

“And, there’s probably just enough time to get into an exercise routine so I look fabulous in my summer clothes….and “get fit enough to get involved in some water sports while we’re away.

This is pretty much how the vision leads into goal-setting.

Once you have a clear picture of where you want to go, you are able to identify the milestones you need to reach along the way, and some regular habits you need to get into to make it happen.

But…..what if you’re stuck working out where you want to go?

Here are 6 tips to help you get the creative juices flowing and craft an exciting, inspiring vision in 15 minutes:

  1. Think about some big picture goals (outcomes) you’d like to achieve in your life or business. Then flesh them out more specifically and ask yourself what excites you about them.
  2. Revisit your personal strengths survey and work out your top 5 strengths. How have you used them in the past? Then check in – how did you feel when you used them? Then ask, how could you see yourself using these in future, in an inspiring way?
  3. Writing a story about yourself – starting with a brief account of your life to date, followed by a continuation into how your business might start to evolve.
  4. Cut out magazine pictures of things you’d like to have or be doing in the future, that you’re not currently doing e.g. travel, house, having children, getting married, taking up a sport….? What is it about those things that you’re looking forward to?
  5. Think of someone that you look up to, and that you consider to be a role model because of the things they’ve achieved in life. What is it you admire? What have they achieved?
  6. Write down how you would like to spend your time on a day-to-day basis. What is it that you like about these things? How would you feel if you were able to do more of them…what might that lead to?

At the end of the day, visioning is a really important part of creating a successful business and a fulfilled life.

Getting the clarity you need up front makes success and happiness inevitable.

What helped you to create an inspiring vision? Let me know in the comments below.