Everything! We are writing new material for our courses and simply have to include this very relevant area as it is becoming one of the biggest obstacles to people achieving their wellness goals. Sound ridiculous? Well consider:
What do people say prevents them from, let’s say getting fit?
Number 1 obstacle – lack of time. Really? (They have the same 24 hours as all the other exercising people.)
And perhaps, lack of sufficient, good quality sleep?
What about eating well?
Biggest obstacle – it’s easier to grab food on the run, eat at my desk, replenish with a sugar hit when I have had long periods without food
Cutting down on alcohol?
We often hear – “How else would I unwind at the end of a day? My list is just never done.”
Something is going wrong here and it would appear that the ability to organise our time is slipping away from many people.
Why is this so?
There are many complex reasons why we feel we are losing control our lives.
- We never switch off – Many employers expect their team to be available virtually 24/7. Other people waste so much time on Facebook that they forget to spend their time on things that are important – ie lifestyle habits that might help improve their health and vitality.
- We juggle multiple roles – One hat comes off the other goes on, except often we end up wearing 10 hats at once doing this wonderful thing called multi-tasking.
- We can’t see the wood for the trees. Our world becomes a jumble of “stuff’. Unfinished paperwork, household duties or simple tidying up. How could we ever allow time to go for a run/meditate/prepare a meal from scratch?
- Our ability to categorise information is depleted. We no longer can put things in their separate compartments and clear some head room for the task at hand. Or we find it impossible to retrieve information once it’s gone in
- We spend our time on “shallow” work, not “deep” work. The former includes all these administrative tasks like answering emails, calls, doing expenses, checking facebook, checking facebook.
- We rarely get time for the “deep” work – that sense of focus with out distraction when we use our strengths, work that has an impact.
- This flows into our ability to do the activities that give us the “wellness” that we crave. We are too busy dealing with non-important busyness to ever get to what we really want to do
Is personal organisation important for increased wellness? Most certainly.