Why would a Coach need a Coach?

When we become skilled in a profession, or way of working, it is tempting to adopt the attitude. “Well I don’t need the services of …… – after all, I am one”. This argument is a bit weak when we are talking about a service provider such as massage therapist, dentist, physio or anyone who physically performs a treatment that requires an outside party to “administer” it – pretty hard to give yourself a shoulder rub! However, I have found that the best counsellors, coaches and other health professionals are the first to seek out the services of someone who works in their field, as they truly believe in the value of their profession. The best salespeople I know will buy from someone who has shown that they know how to persuade.

A coach cannot ever be a good coach until they have been on the receiving end of good coaching.
If coaching is “the art of creating an environment, through conversation and a way of being, that facilitates the processes by which a person can move toward desired goals in a fulfilling manner” (Tim Gallwey, 2000), then how can we create that environment without knowing what it feels like for the client? When we sit in the client’s chair we can experience not only the feelings they go through, but also the results that can occur from working with a coach. Until we have gone through this process, we cannot share the enthusiasm that inevitably comes from being on the other side.

How does coaching and mentoring differ? 
Some new coaches feel they need to learn from someone who has more experience than they do, get feedback and at times direction from a mentor who has trained and excelled in their particular field. This will take more the form of a training session rather than a coaching session and be equally as valuable.

However, if the issue is more around helping you create a vision for where you want to go as a coach, or as an individual, to work out how this can fit into your current life and value system and design a plan for getting there, you might just need a good coach yourself.

If you see yourself nodding your head while reading this, our team at Wellness Coaching Australia provides a unique Coach Mentoring service that can be personalised on your needs. Whether you are:
• Hoping to gain a better understanding of any of the concepts taught in wellness coaching,
• Are seeking mentoring around your options as to future employment or life direction, or
• Need help with creating a business model, we can assist.

To find out more, register your interest with us and we’ll contact you to discuss your needs.