Why You Should – and Shouldn’t – Be on Facebook

Facebook is the platform you love or hate. It sucks your time, and it does frustrating things that really annoy you – like hide your posts, or sort your friends.

But as a business tool, Facebook is king. After all, there are 2 billion users on Facebook – that’s 20% of the world’s population.
So we’re going to post a series of articles about FB that will help you to understand it and work it like a boss to build your business.
Todays’ blog is about whether you should use FB at all, or not. 
Well let’s start at the beginning. 

Where is Your Ideal Client? 
If your ideal client is Prue, aged 25, who loves coconut oil and daily mantras, then you probably want to connect with her on Facebook. She’s there posting selfies (also on Instagram) and reading blogs about healthy eating.But if your ideal client is Max, 58, a builder who simply wants to get rid of his beer belly – you’re wasting your time trying to find him in Facebook. He’s either working, fishing or drinking beer.
Where Are You?
If you’re someone who gets onto social media every day and keeps touch with friends and the latest news, then it’s probably not too much of a stretch for you to get onto Facebook.
But if you are only rarely on social media, don’t understand the internet or hate sitting in front of a computer, then think twice.
The reason is this: marketing of any kind means you need to actively network and build relationships every day.
And while Facebook is a great opportunity, it only works if you’re prepared to put time in every day to comment on other posts, post your own ideas and articles, build trust, rapport, a profile and some solid relationships. Then, some those people who trust you will buy from you.
If this is not you, then you have two options – pay someone to build and maintain an online presence for you, using your words – or stick with the face-to-face networking.
The Third Option
Of course, there’s a third option – use a different social media platform that you like, that’s easier to use. An example is Instagram – it can be set up so that you take a photo with your phone, apply an enhancing filter, then press ‘send’ out to the masses. 
Instagram is a popular platform and there are whole businesses built on it.
Facebook 101
Here’s the basic ‘how-to’ set up if you want to use Facebook for social media. 
Use this checklist to help you get started.
1. Keep Your Personal Profile for Personal Posts – 
Facebook will spank you if you use a personal account for business. ‘Nuff said. 
2. Introduce Your Attractive Character
In our business start-up program, Passion to Profit, we explain what an Attractive Character is and how to use it. 
It’s basically the best of your personality elements that become your online avatar. 
Nobody likes being caught with their pants down, or contradicting their business message. So make sure your personal profile is clean and aligned with your Attractive Character.
3. Get Involved in Facebook Groups
Now, it’s time to find your tribe – the people who are aligned with your values and who will eventually buy your services once they get to know you. 
Those people are in many Facebook groups, pouring their hearts out and sharing their wins and challenges. 
This is where you go to network, be seen, build rapport and trust, and engage with people. This is where you find your ideal clients.
Join up to 10 groups and watch what happens in these groups each day/week, for a few months. Ask questions and post things that you like doing, and measure the response. 
Leave any groups that don’t resonate, or where people don’t interact with you. Stick with a handful of groups where your ideal client is, and where you feel bonded. 
4. Facebook Groups vs Pages
There are merits in having a Facebook page. But there are also downsides. Let’s compare business pages with groups so you can see just a few of the key differences.
Facebook Business Page  Facebook Group 
Can use ‘sign up’ button at top of page to prompt newsletter subscribers Need to regularly post links with text in the group itself to prompt newsletter subscribers
Is only seen by people who like page and their friends, depending on their FB settings Is promoted for free by FB in the right sidebar (as Suggested Groups)
You promote by paid promotion (FB Ads) or by asking people to share, or having great content that people want to share Is promoted for free by FB in the right sidebar (as Suggested Groups)
Generally, where people go to get information or read articles Generally, where people go to have conversations about their challenges, wins and areas of specific interest

The pictures below illustrate this.
When you’re in a group, other similar Suggested Groups appear in the right sidebar – promoted to you by FB. Paid (sponsored) ads are shown below that. 

And you can see that while people like or share Business Page content (left), the Groups have a much more personal and interactive dialogue. Much more engagement (right).